Book Review: LS65 (Eighties Leeds Series) by Billy Morris


Billy Morris was born in Leeds in 1966. He left Leeds in the late 1990s and has lived and worked in Europe and USA. He now lives mainly in South East Asia.

He wrote his first book Bournemouth 90 in 2021 and published the sequel, LS92, in 2022. The books form the Eighties Leeds series are dark, crime fiction set against the backdrop of a northern English city trying to reinvent itself, as its once famous football team emerges from a period in the doldrums to reclaim its position at the forefront of European football.

Morris’s third book Birdsong on Holbeck Moor is set during the tumultuous period at the end of the First World War. The Leeds Pals have been decimated at the Somme and the soldiers who survived return to find a city on the grip of a global pandemic, with food rationing, unemployment and a football team facing expulsion from the league due to financial irregularities during the war years. Throw in some corruption, inter-city gang wars and witchcraft and you have the makings of a gritty, Edwardian thriller.

LS65 Review

This fourth book from Billy Morris forms a third part of the Eighties Leeds series, and is a prequel set in 1965. The central focus is the back story of Alan Connolly, one of the main characters in Bournemouth 90 and opens with the teenager arriving in Leeds from Glasgow during the swinging sixties.

What Morris has established through his previous books is a winning formula. And as the saying goes, “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”

Reassuringly in LS65 readers will find the usual heady mix of dark gritty menace, the underworld, and football set against a convincing background of the time – a culture of coffee bars and clubs, drugs and dance halls, Mods and their mopeds.

Once again the research is spot-on with great detail about the city of Leeds and places still familiar today, but reflecting also many that have long gone, yet synonymous with a city much changed since the sixties.

Additionally, what Morris also demonstrates is his ability to provide a full back story to his characters, that in this instance go a long way to understanding the Alan Connolly that features in Bournemouth 90.

There is also some homage or influence of David Peace’s writing, with the flashback sequences within LS65 reminding this reader of the style adopted in parts of The Damned Utd.

In Bournemouth 90 the football storyline was one of a pivotal moment as Leeds United regained their top division status, leading to them becoming Champions of England once more in 1991/92. In LS65 the football backdrop is once again an important moment in the Club’s history, with the Elland Road team, after only having been promoted the season before, missing out on the First Division title on goal average and then losing in the FA Cup Final 2-1 to Liverpool. However, despite those disappointments in 1965 it was the start of what was to be a Golden Era under Don Revie as Leeds United became one of the best sides in England and Europe.


(Publisher: Independently published. September 2023. Paperback: 217 pages)


Buy the book here: LS65

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LS65 by Billy Morris

It’s Spring 1965, and young Alan Connolly is a man with a plan. Out of jail and out of Glasgow, leaving old wars behind and hoping that the voices in his head allow him to forget the past.

New start, new city. Smart suit, the best scooter and the right connections. LS1 is swinging – Coffee bars and clubs, pills and protection rackets. And at Elland Road, Revie’s United are chasing a league and cup double in their first season back in the top flight.

It’s the right place and the perfect time to build his empire and the only thing that can stop him is his own dangerous ambition and the dark memories that torment him.

(Publisher: Independently published. September 2023. Paperback: 217 pages)


Buy the book here:LS65

Book Review: Birdsong on Holbeck Moor by Billy Morris

This is the third book from Billy Morris, with his debut novel Bournemouth 90 and its follow-up LS92 both reviewed on FBR. The first two are a mix of fact and fiction surrounding the events of Leeds United’s promotion clinching win down at Bournemouth in May 1990 and then picking up with both the club and some of the characters two years later.

For Birdsong on Holbeck Moor readers are taken back to the period in and around the First World War. As the author detailed in his interview with FBR the backdrop to the story is, “a time of upheaval in Leeds…the war is coming to an end, the Leeds Pals were virtually wiped out on the first day of the Somme and families are struggling to cope with the aftermath of that. There is rationing and food shortages and Spanish flu is ravaging the city; At Elland Road Leeds City are struggling to explain how they funded an influx of ‘guest’ players who enabled them to win the 1917/18 League Championship, at a time when match fixing was rife.”

Whereas in his first two books Morris was able to call on his own experiences to provide an authenticity to the writing, in this third book, the author has had to rely more on research about the period to provide the same effect, and once again he succeeds creating a realistic feeling of setting for Leeds in the late 1910’s for his crime fiction.

As ever the writing is tight within this book and Morris manages to juggle the various plotlines effectively. The football content is not as prominent within Birdsong on Holbeck but is an interesting take on events at Elland Road and the brief existence of Leeds City.

They were founded in 1904 and were elected to the Football League a year later and during the First World War became Midland League Champions. However, they were expelled from the Football League during the 1919/20 campaign for illegal payments to players. The Leeds named continued though when Leeds United were founded in 1919 and taking up residence at Elland Road.

The other plotlines centre on a some of the surviving Leeds Pals, back in the city after the war with both facing very different struggles. For Arthur Rowley he returns to Yorkshire traumatised and suffering from shell shock after his experiences in the trenches and struggling to deal with life. Whilst Frank Holleran, feted as a war hero, returns to his ‘businesses’ and finds himself and his family embroiled in a serious issue as a consequence.

Morris captures what must have been a difficult time for Leeds, those returning to it after the war, their families and indeed the city’s football team. The book maybe small in size but delivers a punch.

(Publisher: Independently published. October 2022. Paperback: 175 pages)


Buy the book here: Birdsong on Holbeck Moor



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Autumn 1918. The Great War is drawing to an end and the troops are coming home. The Leeds Pals who survived the carnage of the Somme are returning to a city in the grip of a deadly pandemic, food rationing and unemployment.

In Armley, a war hero needs one more big score to settle a crippling underworld debt, but his illicit wartime schemes are over, and time is running out for Frank Holleran and his family.

Wartime champions Leeds City FC find themselves in the eye of a financial storm and struggle to remain a footballing force as the full league resumes.

Sports reporter Edgar Rowley is diverted from Elland Road to track an occult animal killer, while helping his brother to overcome his battlefield demons.

1919 is set to be a momentous year, but for some in Leeds, the consequences of their past actions will mean that it’s never going to be peaceful.

Dark, World War 1 crime fiction from the year that the City became United.

(Independent Publisher. October 2022. Paperback: 175 pages)


Buy the book here: Birdsong on Holbeck Moor

LS92 by Billy Morris

Two years have passed, but the events of Bournemouth 90 continue to cast a dark shadow over the lives of everyone who travelled south on that hot Bank Holiday weekend.

Max Jackson is out of jail and trying to re-establish himself in a Leeds underworld being torn apart by gangland warfare. The Yardsley brothers are still paying the price for their actions, with the spectre of Alan Connolly continuing to haunt them. At Millgarth, Sergeant Andy Barton finds himself in the limelight after Bournemouth, but terrace culture is changing, and police intelligence is struggling to adapt to the new normal of the nineties.

At Elland Road, a resurgent United are heading towards their first league title in eighteen years, but a disturbing, malevolent force is threatening to gate-crash the champions’ victory party.

Old scores are settled, and new ones imagined, as the climax to the title showdown becomes a deadly quest for vengeance, forgiveness and redemption. LS92. Dark crime fiction from a time when it was still grim up north.

(Publisher: Independently published. January 2022. Paperback: 176 pages)


Read our review here: Book Review – LS92 by (

For details about Bournemouth 90 click here: BOURNEMOUTH 90 by (

Book Review – LS92 by Billy Morris

What can you say about a book that you read cover to cover in one session? There’s almost no higher praise than that.

LS92 the sequel to Bournemouth 90 is simply gripping from start to finish.

This follow-up from Billy Morris picks up two-years after events down on the south coast when Leeds United clinched promotion from the old Second Division. Readers are reacquainted with many of the central characters from the first book as the fall-out from events at Bournemouth resurface.

As with the first instalment from Morris, LS92 has both fictional and non-fictional elements in a compressed timeline which contributes to the books urgency and immediacy. In terms of the fictional storyline this centres on the Leeds underworld and the gangland warfare whilst the non-fictional follows Leeds United attempts to clinch the League Championship. And as the two worlds collide there are cameo appearances from Eric Cantona and another real-life person who readers of a certain age will be able to identify.

Morris uses the same (and successful) formula of Bournemouth 90 with the wonderful depiction of Leeds city centre venues and landmarks that have been lost in recent years, brought to life with his dark, grim and gritty language.

As history tell us, Leeds United would eventually clinch the title in a highly dramatic run-in, completing the journey from the old Second Division on that Bank Holiday day in Bournemouth back in 1990. Is there a similar conclusion for central character Neil Yardsley? That is for readers to discover in this fast-paced must read, “from a time when it was still grim up north.”

(Publisher: Independently published. January 2022. Paperback: 176 pages)

Buy LS92 here

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Interview with Billy Morris, author of Bournemouth 90 and LS92

Back in November 2021 FBR reviewed Bournemouth 90 by Billy Morris and the author followed up his debut novel with LS92 published in January 2022. Both books feature Leeds United in the early nineties set against a background of murky gangland activities. Following the release of the his second title, we caught with the author to find out a bit more about the man behind the books, which Morris himself describes as, “dark uncompromising crime fiction from a time when it was still grim up north.”

FBR: Given the two books you have written we presume that Leeds United is the Club you support, but how did you come to support them?

Billy Morris (BM): I was born into a family of Leeds fans who followed the Club home and away so there was never any chance of me supporting anyone else. I was born in 1966, just as Don Revie’s team were rising to prominence and starting to win trophies, so I guess the excitement and optimism of the time rubbed off on me at a very early age. I have photos of me as a toddler wearing Leeds colours and as a small child in the famous all-white Leeds kit. I guess it was in my blood!

FBR: So presumably it’s a safe bet that your first football memory features Leeds?

1972 FA Cup Final Programme

BM: It is. I remember standing outside Elland Road to see the team bring back the FA Cup in 1972. My first game was in 1973 season against Chelsea, but I remember nothing of the match. My memories are of being in a pub before the game, the smell of Tetley bitter and cigarettes, surrounded by foul mouthed giants with collar length hair and denim jackets covered in Leeds patches, the smell of boiled burgers and onions, the sense of excitement and potential danger. Then after the game, buying a Green Post outside the ground with the full time match results and a report of the first half, and wondering how they got it out so quickly. (I still struggle with that one!)

FBR: What is your standout football memory from your time supporting the Club?

AFC Bournemouth v Leeds United programme 1990

BM: It probably sounds strange to a lot of people given the events of that particular weekend, but it was Bournemouth in 1990. I came of age watching Leeds. I left school and started work the year we got relegated, 1982, so I had a bit of money to start going to away games. It’s obviously frowned upon now but the whole mid-80s football scene was an amazing buzz for teenagers, travelling round the country with a gang of mates, with the very real possibility that the day could end in a cell or A&E. I was more into the casual fashion than the violence personally, but at that age the risk factor was a big draw, as was the chance to get one over on rival fans and the police. The grounds were awful, the football was usually terrible too, but for those of us of a certain age, they were the best days of our lives from a social angle. Friendships made back then endure to this day. Then in 1987, we got a brief taste of what success could feel like when Leeds reached the FA Cup semi-final, and the play-off final. We were within minutes of a return to the First Division, but in true Leeds style, blew it in injury time against Charlton. The following year, Howard Wilkinson took over and changed the whole culture of the club, much like Bielsa was to again do thirty years later. At the start of the 1989/90 season there was a real feel that this was to be our year. ‘Shit or Bust, this year promotion’s a must’ said the very unofficial T-Shirt displaying the snarling face of Vinnie Jones. Prophetically, the back of the shirt said, ‘Promotion Tour 89/90’ with the last game billed as ‘The Invasion of Bournemouth.’ Last game of the season, knowing a win would take us up, a Bank Holiday at the seaside, 90 degree sunshine…the scene was set, and for once Leeds didn’t blow it. Of course some of what happened down there were terrible, and it really felt like the end of an era and the start of a new one, like drawing a line under the eighties with a bright new decade dawning ahead.

FBR: How did you get into writing?

BM: I always loved writing at school but leaving at sixteen with a couple of O-Levels, I knew I was never going to make a living at it. I did a variety of jobs over the next thirty five years in various places around the world, then as often happens when you reach your fifties, found I had more time to spend on things I enjoyed doing, rather than things I needed to do to make money. I read a lot of crime fiction, dark stuff like James Ellroy and David Peace, and I noticed on social media that there was a real nostalgia for the eighties and nineties era in Leeds. The city has changed so much since then that its almost unrecognisable. I started to think about an Ellroy/Peace style novel set at that time in the city that I remembered back then. That’s how Bournemouth 90 came about, and I was pleasantly surprised by how well received it was.  A few people asked about a sequel, and I felt there were still a few unresolved questions, which are addressed in LS92.

FBR: Talking of the two books, what and who were the influences in writing ‘Bournemouth 9’0 and ‘LS92’?

BM: As I said, I enjoy James Ellroy’s noir-style crime writing which is set in L.A. My biggest influence though is probably David Peace. Specifically the Red Riding Quartet, which transplant Ellroy’s dark style into 70s West Yorkshire. I remember reading 1974 for the first time and being totally blown away by the writing style. I enjoyed his later stuff, Damned Utd obviously and also GB84, though I’ve struggled to get into his recent Tokyo trilogy. I’ve tried to capture the feel of late eighties/early nineties in my books – a city struggling with its identity, more Merrion Market than Harvey Nicks and with LUFC struggling to shift the 80s hooligan reputation but knowing that a re-brand was vital to its future in the new millennium. To anyone who wasn’t around then, the place I describe probably feels like a different city altogether, and if that’s the case, I’ve achieved what I set out to do!

FBR: Do you have any other books in the pipeline?

BM: I’m in the research stage of a book set over a hundred years ago at the end of the First World War. To say it was a time of upheaval in Leeds is an understatement – the war is coming to an end, the Leeds Pals were virtually wiped out on the first day of the Somme and families are struggling to cope with the aftermath of that. There is rationing and food shortages and Spanish flu is ravaging the city; At Elland Road Leeds City are struggling to explain how they funded an influx of ‘guest’ players who enabled them to win the 1917/18 League Championship, at a time when match fixing was rife. I’m planning to write another crime fiction story set against this backdrop and the writing challenges are different this time. I’m not writing about an era I’m familiar with, so am immersed in research at present – fashions, language, military and social history and of course, the mysterious events at the football club. Luckily I’m a big history buff so although it’s hard I don’t really see it as ‘work’, more a hobby. That’s actually probably a good way to sum up my attitude to writing in general too!

FBR: Many thanks for your time Billy. Good luck with the sales of your current books and good luck with your new project!


BOURNEMOUTH 90 by Billy Morris

It’s April 1990 and the world is changing. Margaret Thatcher clings to power in the face of poll tax protests, prison riots and sectarian violence in Northern Ireland. The Berlin wall has fallen, South Africa’s Apartheid government is crumbling and in the Middle East Saddam Hussein is flexing his muscles, while Iran is still trying to behead Salman Rushdie.

In Leeds, United are closing in on a long-awaited return to the first division. Neil Yardsley is heading home after three years away and hoping to go straight.

That’s the plan, but Neil finds himself being drawn back into a world of football violence and finds a brother up to his neck in the drug culture of the rave scene. Dark family secrets bubble to the surface as Neil tries to help his brother dodge a gangland death sentence, while struggling to keep his own head above water in a city that no longer feels like home.

The pressure is building with all roads leading to the south coast, and a final reckoning on a red-hot Bank Holiday weekend in Bournemouth that no one will ever forget.

Dark, uncompromising crime fiction from a time when it was still grim up north.

Read our review here: Book Review: B (

(Publisher: Independently published. August 2021. Paperback: 191 pages)