Suggested websites – The Football Ground

The Football Ground provides a free news-stand of links to breaking football news and opinion, social media and fans’ sites, organised by clubs, competitions and countries.

It also features a Side by Side facility that enables users to see club or country tweets simultaneously – especially useful on match days!

It is planned for the site to become a key content hub for football history.

The site can be found at:

Suggested Websites – Stuff by Paul Brown

This website is an online portfolio of links and clippings, which Paul Brown admits acts an outlet for him, “… to post quick pieces, bounce ideas around, plug my books, get feedback, and post reviews of bad movies…” A site which is in fact is a rich cornucopia of wise and witty writing that has something for everyone.

Paul writes about football, but also a range of other subjects which interest him, including technology, film, television and music, across a range of publications such as The Guardian, FourFourTwo, and Loaded, amongst others. He has also written for several contract and business publishers, and for a variety of websites, including Sabotage Times and Bitterwallet.

In terms of books published, Paul has a portfolio which includes, Unofficial Football World Champions: An Alternative Soccer History, The Rocketbelt Caper: A True Tale of Invention, Obsession and Murder, Balls: Tales from Football’s Nether Regions, Black & White Army: A Season Supporting Newcastle United and Goal-Post: an anthology of Victorian football writing (and which has its own website)

Suggested Websites – the dribbling code

The dribbling code website is best summed up by its tag-line, “…West Yorkshire based Non-League Football Blog…”  This well set out site provides a series of posts which record the authors travels around the West Yorkshire Non-League scene – covering an A to Z of clubs, from Altofts FC to Wakefield FC via Liversedge FC (and many others). Each game featured has a number of excellent photographs, as well as match details, ground directions, programme and admission costs and notes of events both on and off the pitch. All useful for those wishing to know more about the non-league match day experience.

The authors motivation for the site is, “…equal parts self-indulgence and something of interest to the non-league ground-hoppers – this is an attempt to catalogue some of my own experiences, and hopefully encourage more grass roots football attending along the way…”

In describing themselves, the author sees himself as, “…something of a refugee and recent convert to non-league, having grown increasingly disillusioned with what was on offer both on and off the pitch at the higher levels. I do still attend a fair few league games – I have irreversible emotional ties to the club I’ve been attached to since I was a small boy, plus I’m intending to eventually get round all 92 grounds. However, I find myself increasing drawn to the non-league matchday experience instead…”.

Like many other regulars to non-league games, the author feels drawn to football outside the top 92 clubs because in his words: 

  • It’s better value for money
  • You’re not in any danger of getting treated like part of a police training exercise
  • Everyone’s involved because they enjoy it, which tends to make things a lot friendlier (sometimes you really do feel like you’ve been invited round to someone’s house for the afternoon, rather than turned up in enemy territory about to do battle)
  • You feel like you’re contributing to essential grassroots football on a wider scale, rather than a small pool of unnecessary bank balances
  • Once in the ground, you can do pretty much as you please.
  • Oh, and (whisper), the entertainment on the pitch is often better too…”


Visit this site and also your local non-league team – you will be glad you did.

The website can be found @

Suggested Websites – TOOFIF

There’s Only One F in Fulham

The website is the internet arm of the award winning Fulham Football Club (FFC) fanzine. Below is brief outline of the history and background of the publication as detailed on the TOOFIF website.

TOOFIF is a football fanzine, produced specifically, but not exclusively, for the ardent followers of Fulham Football Club. It is published in the form of a printed magazine which appears at best every 4 weeks during the football season. The full title is ‘There’s only one F in Fulham’ but that’s a bit of a mouthful, hence the use of the acronym TOOFIF. The title is a hark back to the raucous chant by Fulham fans at Anfield when 10-0 down to Liverpool in a League Cup tie in 1986.

The fanzine initially set out as a sort of footballing “Private Eye” with the emphasis on stupid haircuts, ugly players, best/worst teams, dreams, nostalgia and some serious bits. However, TOOFIF became more hard-hitting as problems with Craven Cottage came to a head. When, as part of a deal, the Club agreed to be gagged by property developers eager to build on the site, the fanzine became the main channel of information. In the ensuing years, prime reasons have been to support the “Fulham 2000” campaign to regain the Cottage freehold and reinforce the “Back to the Cottage” message while we were at Loftus Road. In short, when the need has arisen, TOOFIF has aimed to keep supporters informed and thereby able to debate the issues of the day.

The website can be found at: