FIFA World Cup 2014 – Friday 27 June 2014
Yes I’m sorry, but I’m still banging on about Suarez.
He was quite rightly found guilty and consequently fined and given a suspension by FIFA. From my perspective he got off lightly, but that’s just personal opinion.
Whilst it is no surprise that the Uruguayan FA has appealed, I am surprised that FIFA hasn’t stated, like some other sporting bodies, that whilst an appeal is permissible, if after the appeal the accused is still found guilty, then any ban could be extended. In the case of Suarez what is there to appeal? It’s clear he bit the Italian, an action which is totally unacceptable in the game and given it is his third offence, he’s coped a ban.
The appeal will mean the story drags on during the World Cup and will then become a feature as the build-up to the new season in England begins.
What is difficult to fathom is the reaction of many in Uruguay who can’t see what Suarez has done wrong. Indeed he was greeted as a ‘hero’ as he returned to Montevideo yesterday. Are these people blind? Did they not see the incident? Now the Uruguayan press are in full-cry telling the world that this is a European conspiracy within FIFA to put down the Latin Americans.
But we know the world we live in is generally morally corrupt. Adidas for instance, look like they have no plans to drop their sponsorship of Suarez and will instead give him a slap on the wrist in reminding him of his responsibilities on the pitch. And we know damn well that if Suarez wanted away from England this summer there will be clubs willing to take him on.
Wouldn’t it be refreshing for once it someone took a stance. How naive am I…
And in the midst of it all the final group games took place to confirm the last four teams. Germany, USA, Belgium and Algeria emerged to complete the line-up for the last sixteen. Thankfully today there are no games and maybe just maybe I can get back to enjoying the action on the pitch rather than off it.