Leeds United: A non one-eyed look at promotion

The people of Leeds and indeed Leeds United fans across the world can go about their business this week with a smile on their faces after the dramatic events of Saturday afternoon. As the hangovers clear and the details of the day become merely records in the passing of another season, there are hard questions to consider and some facts to face. It’s not that I’m trying to dispel the glow of joy from around Elland Road so soon, but the reality is that the new season is only three months away. Therefore:

  • Is this squad strong enough for the Championship?
  • If not, how many players will be needed?
  • What is the plan for the 2010/11 season? Consolidation, play-off’s or automatic promotion?
  • Will the necessary investment be made by the Chairman?

I would assume (and hope) that all these questions have been considered by the Management since the start of this season and that the necessary planning and preparation is in place. I would have expected various scenarios with the following options; A – which covered automatic promotion, B – promotion via the play-off’s, C – remaining in League One and (heaven forbid) D – relegation to League Two, to have been drawn up. It’s simply good business practice and would hope Option A is already under way. However, how many football clubs been run effectively along sound business lines? Leeds current plight is down to such disregard for good practice and errant management.

Wouldn’t it be great to think that as I write, Mr Bates and Mr Harvey are preparing a statement for the Club website that is actually straight, honest and realistic about the plans for the coming season?

Yes Leeds are back on the path back to the Premier League, enjoy the moment, but also think to a year ahead and how you want to feel……….

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Posted May 10, 2010 by Editor in category "Football Features

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