26 June 2010 – Day 16

Halfway point of the 2010 World Cup. The Group Phase is behind us and now for the next four days the last 16 teams battle for a Quarter Final place. The pressure is cranked up as our old friends extra time and penalties bring their unique brand of pleasure and pain to the occasion. As fans do we prefer that the games finish in 90 minutes? Personally, the spectacle and drama of penalties is fine, as long as your team isn’t involved!

And so to today. Uruguay against South Korea is first up this afternoon. My head says that Uruguay will come through this game in normal time as I was really impressed with them in their last outing against South Africa. Forlan was outstanding and could be an outside bet for leading scorer in the competition. My heart says South Korea on penalties. However, if I had to put hard cash on the result, I’d go for the South American team to progress.

Later this evening, Ghana take on USA. The Americans for me are nothing more than a workmanlike side and my worry is that they could easily frustrate the talented Ghanaian team and nick the game in extra time. I hope that for the sake of the competition the attacking flair of Ghana enables African representation in the Quarter Finals. My prediction, Ghana.

Enjoy today, because we all know what tomorrow brings…………..

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Posted June 26, 2010 by Editor in category "World Cup 2010 diary

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