2010/11: Where’s the Logic?

We all have those days when you get out of bed and for no apparent reason you know you are going to be irritated by everything that happens during that day. Well that’s me today and that’s how I feel about football this morning.

Let’s start with the Championship. I thought the exit of Steve “I’ve don’t feel motivated” Coppell from Bristol City had set the standard for shambolic timing, when along comes Sheffield United and the sacking, sorry I mean mutually agreed termination of the contract of ex-Leeds United boss Kevin Blackwell. Blackwell took both Leeds and Sheffield United to Play-Off Finals but lost both and I would say he has a reasonable record as a manager. This season the Blades have played three fixtures, which were an opening season day draw and two losses (one in the League Cup). Does this really constitute grounds for dismissal? The Leeds connection looks to be extended with Gary Speed coming in to the mangers position. But how long will the Board give him to settle? Will he have money to spend to create “his” team? Those at Bramall Lane may argue that a quick change as Norwich City carried out last season doesn’t necessarily affect the team. My point is that if the Board felt Blackwell had taken the club as far as he could, that decision should have been made at the end of last season. Gary Speed is new to the world of management and unless he is some sort of messiah, will take time to settle into the role. To me the Board of Sheffield United have wasted the pre-season and with it the chance of promotion. Part of the statement the club released also raised my ire. In it they state, “…it is time for us to move on because our ambition remains the same in challenging for promotion, hence this decision to look for a new manager…”. So are the Board implying that Kevin Blackwell no longer had the ambition of promotion for the club?

Over the years Leeds have had some titanic battles in Europe with Rangers and Celtic. And whilst we all know the trials and tribulations of the recent seasons at Elland Road, life in Scotland for the Old Firm and Scottish football has not been a bed of roses either. Leeds United and Scotland are linked by players such as Bremner, Gray, Lorimer, Harvey, McQueen and Jordan. Accusations can be made that England has become flooded with players from around the globe, but there are some world class players amongst those. Scotland’s league meanwhile has been flooded by frankly third-rate overseas players. Where are the big names? Where is the home ground talent? The Scottish Premier is a League in decline. Rangers and Celtic both have significant financial problems which will worsen with their inability to compete at European level. What caught my eye today were the “revelations” by Aiden McGeady that he had to leave Glasgow because he feared for his safety. So good choice then in moving to calm of Moscow. The poor lamb revealed that he couldn’t go out drinking or clubbing without being hassled, abused or threatened. Aiden, if you put your hand in a fire you get burnt? So would you still continue to put your hand in the fire?

Sometimes I simply despair. Take me to a darkened room nurse………

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Posted August 17, 2010 by Editor in category "Football Features

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