Empty Seat

During a lull in the second half
with the match coming to a close,
a melancholic thought occurred.
“This could be the last time
I sit next to this man at a game”.

This is the man who back in the seventies,
held me by the hand and showed me where to go.
He made sure I had the right money
and found me a space where I could see.
Now I’m the one guiding him to his seat.
“Are you warm enough?”
“Can I get you a tea?”

We’ve been to grounds all over the country,
in all sorts of weathers.
League games and Cup games,
Friendlies and the like.
But you know what I remember most?
It’s the security of having you there,
sharing the joy and the despair.

When I look at that empty seat.
I’ll not forget.

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Posted October 11, 2010 by Editor in category "Football Poetry

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