Suggested Websites – Stuff by Paul Brown

This website is an online portfolio of links and clippings, which Paul Brown admits acts an outlet for him, “… to post quick pieces, bounce ideas around, plug my books, get feedback, and post reviews of bad movies…” A site which is in fact is a rich cornucopia of wise and witty writing that has something for everyone.

Paul writes about football, but also a range of other subjects which interest him, including technology, film, television and music, across a range of publications such as The Guardian, FourFourTwo, and Loaded, amongst others. He has also written for several contract and business publishers, and for a variety of websites, including Sabotage Times and Bitterwallet.

In terms of books published, Paul has a portfolio which includes, Unofficial Football World Champions: An Alternative Soccer History, The Rocketbelt Caper: A True Tale of Invention, Obsession and Murder, Balls: Tales from Football’s Nether Regions, Black & White Army: A Season Supporting Newcastle United and Goal-Post: an anthology of Victorian football writing (and which has its own website)

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Posted October 28, 2012 by Editor in category "Suggested Websites

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