Book Review: A Footballer’s Christmas Carol by David Fuller


It’s Christmas Eve and the hugely rich and successful footballer Jacob Anderson has had yet another enjoyable day making life as miserable as it can possibly be for his much put upon personal assistant Norris Sculley.

However, upon settling down in front of his gigantic television screen later that evening, it soon becomes clear that Jacob’s night is about to take an unsettling turn for the worse.

Visions from the past, present and future cause Jacob to take stock of his life and question whether money, cars and mansions really are as important as he thinks they are.


David Fuller (author of the excellent Alfie Jones series of books) has come up with a Christmas treat on Kindle.

It is a modern twist on “A Christmas Carol” by Charles Dickens, with the Scrooge character replaced by a modern day multi-millionaire footballer, Jacob Anderson.

For those familiar with the Dickens classic, Fuller provides a twenty first setting for the story, which has all the engagement and heart-warming appeal of the Victorian original.

Ghosts, football and Christmas – what more can you want from a festive story!


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Posted December 24, 2013 by Editor in category "Reviews

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