14 June 2010 – Day 4

When I was younger I thought,”… wouldn’t it be great to be able to watch football all day…” So I put this theory to the test yesterday. Now you might be thinking why on earth would I sit down to three games I have no interest in at all. Well there is method in my madness. Algeria v Slovenia provided the chance to check out the opposition in England’s Group, Serbia v Ghana was my chance to watch my “sweepstake” selection and Australia v Germany – well in sporting context I can’t stand either team but genuinely thought it would be a good game.

So with a strong coffee and a sausage and tomato sarnie in hand, the football marathon began. At the end of the 90 minutes, memorable only for some more comedy keeping for the Slovenian goal and the Algerian substitute who having come on lasted 15 minutes as he managed to get himself sent off, I was reaching for something stronger than coffee and realising that England’s Group does not contain a great deal of quality.

Still I had my adopted team Serbia next up in what proved to be a bit of a strange game. Another 90 minutes, another sending off and another game settled by a single goal. I’m not quite sure what the Serbian player thought he was doing when he decided to handle the ball in the box and gift Ghana a penalty, but am sure it produced a volley of Serbia’s finest gutter language from fellow players, coach and spectators. And so with that loss my sweepstake pound has a forlorn and rather short future. Don’t worry boys it’s only Germany next.

Ah yes, the Germans (not to be confused with that classic Fawlty Towers episode). After two games of limited quality I must admit I was flagging. Even the enjoyment of a flow of well chilled lagers was on the wane. And who do you root for when you dislike both teams? Sod it I had come this far, I was determined to see it through. On reflection it was worth it. Were the Germans that good or the Aussies that poor? Whatever your opinion, it was the first marker laid down by a team in the tournament so far.

My marathon was done; at least it had ended on a good note. All day football? I’ll be glad to get back to work………….

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Posted June 14, 2010 by Editor in category "World Cup 2010 diary

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