World Cup 2018 – 5 days to decision

Well is this a World Cup winning line-up? Does it contain enough influence to sway the FIFA Executive Members come 02 December? Each Bid is allowed 30 members and the England delegation is as follows:

HRH Prince William of Wales (FA President)

Rt Hon David Cameron, (Prime Minister)

David Beckham (Vice-President, England 2018)

Andy Anson (England 2018 Chief Executive)

David Dein (International President, England 2018)

Eddie Afekafe (Ambassador, England 2018)

Lord Coe (England 2018Board Member)

Roger Burden (acting FA Chairman)

Richard Scudamore (Premier League Chief Executive)

Greg Clarke (Football League Chairman)

Rt Hon Jeremy Hunt (Secretary of State Culture, Media Sport & Olympics)

Paul Elliott (England 2018 Board Member)

Lord Mawhinney (England 2018 Board Member)

Andy Cole (Football Ambassador)

Rt Hon Hugh Robertson (Minister for Sport)

Sir Bobby Charlton (Football Ambassador)

Fabio Capello (England Manager)

John Barnes (Football Ambassador)

Alan Shearer (Football Ambassador)

Gary Lineker (Football Ambassador)

Kadra Ege (Legacy Ambassador)

Boris Johnson (Mayor of London)

The remaining eight places within the 30-man delegation are taken by support and technical staff from the England 2018 Bid Team.

Most of the names are well known, but there are a couple which may be unfamiliar. Kadra Ege, is the founder of Brent Ladies FC. This is a community based youth organisation using sports and education to engage young people and support them in developing projects which benefit the community. The over-arching aim of the club is fundamentally to raise awareness of issues facing youth today including inequality, discrimination and crime and to empower and encourage positive change in their lives. Eddie Afekafe works for Manchester City’s football in the Community Programme and is heavily involved in the Premier League’s Kickz programme that provides opportunities for young people from disadvantaged backgrounds to get involved in sport.

Both of these people have been at the forefront of promoting the England 2018 Bids International Legacy Plans. Legacy, (i.e. what social, economic etc benefits a World Cup leaves and stimulates after the competition has ended), is a key target of FIFA in the award of the tournament.

Let’s hope the legacy of the 30 England’s delegates is the first World Cup on English soil for 52 years.

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Posted November 27, 2010 by Editor in category "World Cup 2018 Decision Countdown

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