Book Review: Alfie Jones and an uncertain future by David Fuller

The fourth instalment of the Alfie Jones series opens with the central character scanning the table of the Middleton District Youth League Division 2. With three games to go in the season, Alfie’s team, the Kingsway Colts are bottom of the league.

With two of their best players, Billy and Hayden having left to play for the local professional club’s Academy – and others of the current Colts’ squad uncertain about whether they will stay with the club after this season – Alfie is worried that his dream of becoming a professional footballer is seriously under threat.

Those frantic last three games for the Colts’ are packed into 169 pages of another fast paced winner from author David Fuller. The tension lasts to the final page and readers will be hooked as they find out whether the Colts survive the dreaded drop.

What is also great about this book (and indeed the series) is that Fuller once again shows he understands football at this level and is able to translate this into his writing. He also demonstrates that he knows what makes children ‘tick’, so that Alfie, like many lads his age, whilst football-mad, is a boy who does occasionally get annoyed with his mates and can be prone to sulk and fall-out with his siblings.

Can Kingsway avoid relegation? Will Alfie’s dream of playing professional football be kept alive?

Prepare for some twists and turns in another excellent book of the Alfie Jones adventures.


Links to reviews of the first three Alfie Jones books are below:

Book 1: Alfie Jones and a change in future

Book 2: Alfie Jones and a test of character

Book 3: Alfie Jones and the missing link

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Posted January 19, 2015 by Editor in category "Reviews

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